Wednesday 21 May 2014

Edward in a Nutshell

It has occurred to me that I probably need to tell something of Edward's life story because I am going to be referring frequently to various parts of it and while I know it well, others obviously don't.
I figure that the easiest way to do this is via his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography which can be found at
Now remember, I'm a blogging neophyte and my internet skills leave much to be desired so if this link doesn't work, just search for Edward David Stewart Ogilvie in the Australian Dictionary of Biography.
The Biography is pretty dry but sums up all the important dates and events in his life. To me perhaps the most interesting personal events in his life concern the deaths of both Edward and his wife Theodosia.
His trip back to England in 1854 seems in part to be to find a suitable wife. In this he was staggeringly successful because Theodosia was very beautiful and over 20 years his junior. Back at Yulgilbar she then bore Edward 11 children over the next 2 decades. However, life just over a century ago was hard. Giving birth to her last child, Theodosia's hip was broken! The baby died shortly thereafter and Theodosia's health was never the same again. She lived for another 9 years but was never able to walk again.
In Edward's case, tough old bushman that he was, he died after being thrown from a horse that bolted when spooked by a train. If you've ever ridden a horse, you will know that doing so at 81 years of age is no mean feat.
What's that saying about dying an interesting death? They both had that.

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